Digging Deeper

Suggested Reading List

  1. Archer G. Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties. Zondervan; 1982.
  2. Bilezikian G. Christianity 101. Zondervan; 1993.
  3. Comfort PW. The Complete Guide to Bible Versions. Tyndale House Pub; 1991.
  4. Geisler NL, Bocchino P. Unshakable Foundations: Contemporary Answers to Crucial Questions about the Christian Faith. Bethany House Publishers; 2000.
  5. Geisler NL, Brooks RM. When Skeptics Ask: A Handbook on Christian Evidences. Victor Books; 1990.
  6. Geisler NL, Hoffman PK. Why I Am a Christian: Leading Thinkers Explain Why They Believe. Baker Books; 2001.
  7. Haley JW. Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible. Whitaker House; 1996.
  8. Hanegraaff H. The Third Day. Thomas Nelson; 2003.
  9. Hanegraaff H. The Bible Answer Book. Thomas Nelson; 2004.
  10. Hanegraaff H. HAS GOD SPOKEN?  (Internation Edition): Proof of the Bible’s Divine Inspiration. Thomas Nelson; 2011.
  11. Hanegraaff HH. Resurrection The Capstone In The Arch Of Christianity. Thomas Nelson; 2000.
  12. Lewis C. Miracles: How God Intervenes In Nature And Human Affairs. Macmillan Publishing Company; 1978.
  13. Lightfoot NR. How We Got the Bible. MJF Books; 2005.
  14. Little P, Little M. Know Why You Believe. InterVarsity Press/Illinois; 1988.
  15. Little PE. Know What You Believe: A Practical Discussion of the Fundamentals of the Christian Faith. Chariot Victor Publishing; 1999.
  16. Martin W. Essential Christianity. Baker Pub Group; 1980.
  17. McDowell. Prophecy Fact or Fiction. Here's Life Pub; 1981.
  18. McDowell J. More Evidence That Demands a Verdict. Campus Crusade Asia Limited; 1975.
  19. McDowell J. Josh McDowell's Guide to Understanding Your Bible: Five Simple Steps to Studying and Applying the Bible to Your Life. Here's Life Publishers; 1983.
  20. McDowell J. Evidence That Demands a Verdict. Here's Life Publishers,Inc.; 1986.
  21. McDowell J. The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict: Evidence I & II Fully Updated in One Volume To Answer The Questions Challenging Christians in the 21st Century. Thomas Nelson; 1999.
  22. McDowell J, Stewart D. Reasons Why Skeptics Ought to Consider Christianity. Here's Life Publishers; 1981.
  23. McDowell JD, Stewart D. Answers to Tough Questions Skeptics Ask About the Christian Faith. Living Books; 1986.
  24. Samples KR. Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions. Baker Books; 2004.
  25. Strobel L. The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity. Zondervan; 2000.
  26. Strobel L. The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus. Zondervan; 2013.

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