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The purpose of this site is to highlight the two biggest facts which set Christianity apart from all other religions and belief systems. Though there are many others which could be used, these two facts alone demonstrate beyond all reasonable doubt that God has spoken to humanity through the Bible alone and has publicly endorsed Jesus the Nazarene—and no one else!. Click here or on the graphic to view the site.
As a Christian with a professional degree in a field that is based heavily in the earth sciences, I have spent many years exploring the issues surrounding the Creation vs. Darwinian evolution debate. Here is a small site I put together to briefly explain why a Christian should not embrace Darwin's theory of evolution. There are many compelling scientific reasons, but this presentation is only looking at it from a Christian perspective. Click here or on the graphic to view the site.
The ABCs of remembering and explaining the problems with the Theory of Evolution. The issue of origins is foundational to a sound biblical and realistic worldview. Sound scientific findings mesh beautifully with the biblical record—but of course if they're both true, they should mesh, shouldn't they! Click here or on the graphic to view the site.
The four biggest problems with Darwinian Macro-evolution and an easy way to remember them. Based on the thoughts of one of the world's most respected scientists, Dr. Henry Schaefer, Director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia. Click here or on the graphic to view the site.
It's very easy to get confused as to when things happened in the Bible. To help, I've created a timeline that can be viewed on any computer and is especially handy on a smart phone when at church. It's purpose is to show relationships between important people and events but to be simple enough to aid in remembering it. Click here or on the graphic to view the site.