For people who recognize the Bible as God's inerrant word, the suggestion that God used evolution as part of His creative process has at least five major conflicts with what Scripture clearly says. When I say "evolution" I am referring to
macro-evolution not
micro-evolution. "Molecules to man" macro-evolution is what Darwin promoted and what most people think of today when evolution is discussed.


If God used any form of macro-evolution the way Theistic Evolutionists or Progressive Creationists suggest, then the Earth must be very old because the macro-evolutionary process is imagined to be very slow. Also, the Flood of Noah’s day must have been a local flood or it would certainly be the source of the fossil record and the layers of sedimentary rock which cover the earth. This interpretation however, has important implications affecting a sound understanding of God’s character and the truthfulness of the Bible. For anyone who accepts the claims of Christ to be our Creator and the Author of Truth, the points presented on this site should be very carefully considered.


I have associated the five major points with letters to make them easier to remember.