Those who believe in some form of old-earth Creationism must also believe that when God says and defines the word “day” six times in the opening chapter of Genesis that for several thousand years God’s people got it all wrong by thinking in terms of a normal 24 hour day. They must also believe that God could not clearly explain the extent of the Flood, the physical origin of man, the meaning of the Curse, the meaning of death, and a host of details of life from Adam until Noah.


Psalm 33:9 says, “He spoke, and it happened. He commanded, and it appeared.” Whenever Scripture speaks about God’s creative acts it indicates an immediate result. God’s purposes don’t take millions of years to come to fruition. Exodus 20:8-11, tells us that God purposely took 6 whole days to complete His creation and then rested on the seventh, in order to give us a pattern to follow in our lives.


God’s ability to communicate perfectly, His omniscience, omnipotence, purposefulness, loving nature and grace can never be reconciled with the slow, cruel, and wasteful process of macro-evolution.




Don't insult God's character or ability to communicate clearly the extent of the Flood and the conditions following creation.

God purposely took 6 whole days to complete His creation and then rested on the seventh, in order to give us a pattern to follow in our lives,

according to Exodus 20:8-11.

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