For people who recognize the Bible as God's inerrant word, the suggestion that God used evolution as part of His creative process has at least five major conflicts with what Scripture clearly says. When I say "evolution" I am referring to macro-evolution not micro-evolution. "Molecules to man" macro-evolution is what Darwin promoted and what most people think of today when evolution is discussed.
If God used any form of macro-evolution the way Theistic Evolutionists or Progressive Creationists suggest, then the Earth must be very old because the macro-evolutionary process is imagined to be very slow. Also, the Flood of Noah’s day must have been a local flood or it would certainly be the source of the fossil record and the layers of sedimentary rock which cover the earth. This interpretation however, has important implications affecting a sound understanding of God’s character and the truthfulness of the Bible. For anyone who accepts the claims of Christ to be our Creator and the Author of Truth, the points presented on this site should be very carefully considered.
I have associated the five major points with letters to make them easier to remember. Click on each letter to view the full explanation.
Macro-evolution is like having a deck of 52 cards and being able to add new cards out of thin air.
It means that nonliving matter somehow evolved into living things and that ultimately the entire complex universe came from nothing. Macro-evolution has never been observed, but it claims that naturally occurring processes have the unlimited ability to produce new genetic information. Single-celled creatures are able to change into many-celled creatures and ultimately into fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and man. Macro-evolution predicts large scale changes resulting in an increase in order, complexity, and viability; which means that organisms become stronger, or faster, and better able to reproduce. It theorizes that billions of mutations (or some believe only a few key mutations, as in a theory called “punctuated equilibrium”) ultimately add up to completely new and more complex kinds of plants or animals.
Microevolution is like shuffling a deck of cards (the cards contain all of the genetic information which God originally created). The information is reorganized and some may even be lost (like dropping a card) but no new cards or information is added.
Plants and animals micro-evolve when “minor genetic modifications (mutations) or the environment activates the release of already existing latent genetic information.”(1) But it’s important to know that scientists have discovered that these changes are genetically limited, never allowing change past a certain point. No new genetic information is produced.(2) Micro-evolution is seen everywhere, and it harmonizes with all known scientific principles and laws. It is also in complete harmony with what the Bible tells us. Creation scientists believe God designed the genetic code with the ability to produce interesting variety within each created kind (or baramin), but not with the ability to produce a new kind.(3)
Don't elevate man’s knowledge above Scripture.
Death is because of man; it didn’t help create man.
The geneologies found in the Bible demand an age for the earth of thousands of years, never millions or billions.
There are many facts about the Flood which tell us it was global in nature. The letters of Noah's name will help remind us of four of them.
Don't insult God's character or ability to communicate clearly the extent of the Flood and the conditions following creation.
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